Save the planet and save money at the same time.. Average cost of disposables per baby is anywhere from $2500 to $5500 depending on which brand you use and age at toilet training, not to mention the cost of disposing of that extra tonne & a half of landfill!
These packs contain everything you need to completely ditch disposable nappies and start saving money & the planet in style & with good quality products that will see you through your cloth nappy journey.
We have put together a few different combos to give more choice of insert combination & optional handy extras that make life easier but are not essential.
These packs are all based on OSFM pocket shell nappies which are rated to Fit NB to Toilet training, but this does of course depend a little on the size of your baby. They will fit from around 3.5-4.5kgs so if your baby is that size, you can use them with inserts right from the start. If, however your newborn is smaller than this, you can still use the shells as covers over old fashioned flat flannel nappies for the first month or 2 until they fit as pockets. For those who are wanting to start from NB, I recommend the Flats packs to allow for doing this. The flats then continue to be used as inserts from then on. (as inserts flats are super absorbent, without being too bulky and best of all, they dry much faster than pad type inserts) Having the option of flats at the start means you don't have to buy separate set of nappies for those early months.
Pack Comparison:
20 week payment option
New babies often come along with requirement to tighten our belt and this can make it hard to come up with a lump sum, even when it will mean big savings long term. Unfortunately the longest available to us is the genoapay 10 weeks. If need be, we can double this time by splitting these "super duper" packs into 2 parts, making it possible to buy it in 2 x10 week blocks, to get everything you need to do cloth nappies at the same weekly cost as using disposables (around $25p/w). AND THEN ......after the 20 weeks, THATS IT - YOUR DONE - NO MORE WEEKLY NAPPY COST. Please let me know if you want this option and I will set it up for you. (number below)
Alternatively, Butternutbaby is a registered WINZ supplier, and can provide you with a personalized quote if you wish to apply to WINZ for assistance in setting up your cloth stash.
For assistance with payment options you can contact me on 0211312458 or through the contacts page of the website.