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Baby Shower Service

Just had our baby shower and it was absolutely amazing! People were so happy with your service and organization! I am so impressed with the care you put into it and how beautiful the products are I am def recommending you!
Thank you so much!!!
Carla - North Shore - Auckland 

Baby Showers are part of the joy of anticipating your Baby’s arrival. They give friends and family an opportunity to share your joy and like the “fairy godmothers” give blessings and gifts to help you on your journey of Motherhood.

If you (or your expectant friend) would like to use eco friendly Cloth Nappies, this is a perfect way to get set up to do so.

Cloth Nappies are an ideal gift, especially as each guest can choose her own gift, but be part of the greater gift of ensuring a new Mother has enough nappies to see her through, or each guest  can put toward one of our Value packs, providing a gift that will last long after the time when sleep is rare and Nappy changing is constant. 

We provide a specific page for your friends or guests to use and make their purchases. When the date of the Baby Shower is close we package each purchase(or purchases) with it’s own card, giving the name of the gifter. Collate all the purchases together in a Gift Box and deliver or ship to your designated address, which may be the hostess or honored guest.

We aim to make this easy for all.

Register your Baby Shower with us at: 

 If you are having a gender reveal we can help with that too!